Censored…No more!

Many of us have joined the push for non-censorship in technology that has been an ongoing struggle for years, but recent progress has shown that it is possible to make a difference.
Technology censorship has had a profound impact on the way we communicate and interact with others. It has the potential to limit our freedom of expression, restrict access to information, and even silence dissenting voices. This censorship can come in many forms, from government-mandated restrictions on certain websites and platforms to private companies blocking certain content or users.
One of the most concerning aspects of technology censorship is its ability to shape our perceptions of the world. When certain voices are silenced, we are left with a skewed view of reality. This is particularly dangerous when censorship is used to suppress dissenting voices and alternative perspectives. It can lead to the reinforcement of existing power structures and the suppression of marginalized groups.
However, there is hope. Hello itXdrive! We can build parallel systems to ensure against censorship by creating alternative platforms and networks. These parallel systems can provide a safe space for free expression and the sharing of information, regardless of whether it is deemed controversial or unpopular by those in power.
Another example of this is the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, which allows for the creation of platforms that are not controlled by a single entity. This means that they cannot be shut down by governments or private companies. Decentralized platforms like Steemit, Minds, and Mastodon are examples of this.
Another example is the use of encrypted messaging apps and email services, which make it more difficult for governments or private companies to monitor our communications. These apps and services have become increasingly popular in recent years, as people become more aware of the potential for surveillance.
In conclusion, technology censorship is a serious concern that has the potential to limit our freedom of expression and access to information. However, we can build parallel systems to ensure against censorship by creating alternative platforms and networks that provide a safe space for free expression and the sharing of information. It’s important to know about and support these systems, as it’s crucial for the true preservation of democracy, human rights and the ability for people to express themselves freely without fear of reprisal.
your friend @ itXdrive